I have no clue what industrial parts are for in the new update, does anyone know what they are needed for? Can anyone explain what I have to do to get them?

In the game it says you get venators available on Kuat Just soon after era 2 start, but this has not been the case after 10-15 weeks. I can't find anywhere how to get venators, I somehow managed to get a praetor and mandator to appear in my build options on Kuat, but not a venator. Does anyone know a counter to this or what I should do? In my failed games as the Republic I seem to always be hammered by much larger fleets with lucrehulks from very early weeks, when I don't even have any large capital ships that could take on a lucrehulk. with a few things (Era 2 start Republic games) So I'm not exactly new to Empire at War and it's mods (maybe 3/4 months), but I decided to start a proper campaign of FoTR after I saw Corey's video on the new update and thought it looked good.